Barbara Brownell
Barbara has been a member of the Group Rep for 10 years. Most recently Barbara appeared onstage at GRT as Ida in Morning’s at Seven. Previous GRT credits include Madge in The Game’s Afoot, Mother in London Suite, appeared in the virtual production of the 4th Annual Nine Winning One Acts in The Next Ivan Sharansky and starred in GRT’s mainstage production A Dull Pain Turned Sharp where she was nominated in Broadway World for Performer of the Decade in 2020.
Her GRT directing credits include Cleveland and Dallas for GRT’s outdoor production of Motel 66 Prior to that she directed our critically acclaimed production of Laundry and Bourbon and Lone Star by James McLure where she was nominated in Broadway World as Best Director
Her solo show, Finding My Light, was selected for NAMBA, Santa Monica Binge Fringe and LA Wome’s Theatre Festival. Most was also seen on the Whitefire Theatre stage in the streamed holiday production, Winter Tales and in the 28th Annual Los Angeles Women’s Festival production And Still We Rise. In the end, however, the role that made her a star with her grandkids was as a featured player in the award winning music video “Old Town Road” with Lil Nas X in 2019.
Learn much more about Barbara in this BetterLemons.com interview: ACTRESS BARBARA BROWNELL CONTINUES TO INSPIRE US ALL