BLACK FLOWER IN THE WHITE HOUSE premiered as part of The Group Rep’s production of UNHIDDEN FIGURES, a virtual play festival of new short plays celebrating African-American women from all walks of life in honor of Black History Month and Women’s History Month.

Admission to this presentation is FREE, but — as always — donations are gratefully accepted to support our year-round programming and our new streaming platform. Scroll down to view.

SKU: 2021-Unhidden-Figures-Brave-Bess Category:


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As part of Group Rep’s virtual festival, UNHIDDEN FIGURES, we proudly highlight “Black Flower in the White House” now available to stream on demand.

Black Flower in the White House written and directed by Tom Lazarus, performed by Michael Gabiano and Maegan McConnell. 2008. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice makes a state visit to Libyan Dictator Muammar Gaddafi who turns out to be her secret admirer. Based on actual events.
From the author, Tom Lazarus: When GRT put out the call for a play to honor Black Women, I remembered a review I’d read of former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice’s memoir, where it mentioned in passing this truly bizarre encounter with Muumar Gaddafi. In doing the research, I found the truth was so fantastically strange it almost defied believability and was something I had to write. Luckily, Michael Gabiano and Maegan McConnell had the chops to bring this weirdness to life with humor and humanity.
Tom Lazarus Bio: After making award winning educational films for PSYCHOLOGY TODAY, Mr. Lazarus wrote seven Movies of the Week and worked as a writer/producer on nine network series. He has had eight feature films made from his original screenplays including STIGMATA the #1 film in America upon its release. He has directed five feature films, and wrote, directed five seasons of a cable TV hit series. In 2015, Mr. Lazarus directed the World Premiere of his play THE PRINCES OF KINGS ROAD to standing room only audiences in Los Angeles and has directed at the Blank Theater, the 2 Cents Theater Company, The Ensemble Studio Theater and at The Odyssey Theaters in Los Angeles. In 2020, Tom directed MOONLESS NIGHT for a One Act Festival at Group Repertory Theater and Stevie Stern’s MERRY CHRISTMAS, RELATIVELY SPEAKING at GRT’s holiday themed festival.


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