Nine Winning One Acts

The Group Rep’s fourth annual NINE WINNING ONE-ACTS production closed on December 1, 2020. You can still watch clips, download the playbill and learn about the cast below.

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Meet the Producers


Plans were well underway for our fourth annual NINE WINNING ONE-ACTS festival, when the world took a pandemic pause and all in-person performances were halted.

So, we decided to move forward and capture the plays on video and create another virtual production (following the success of our recent production of TUESDAYS WITH MORRIE).

The fourth annual NINE WINNING ONE-ACTS will premiere virtually on 10/10/2020 (ten-ten-twenty-twenty) on both Facebook and Youtube and will run through December 1.

Four years ago we initiated this festival. Each year we solicit ten minute plays from playwrights the world over. This year we had 275 submissions. We narrowed it down to twenty and then did Zoom readings over the course of several company meetings and narrowed the finalists down to 9!

Below-listed, please find the plays, directors and casts. Plays are in alphabetical order by title (actual running order will be revealed at the premiere). One Group Rep member, Clara Rodriguez, has a play selected and one playwright had a play included last year as well: Pamela Weiler Grayson.

Admission to this presentation is FREE, but — as always — donations are gratefully accepted. For more details, please visit:

Here are the plays and the artists associated with each play:

Produced by Helen O’Brien & Sascha Vanderslik

BREAK UP, LLC by Ron Burch • Director – Marc Antonio Pritchett
T. Ryan Brennan
Katelyn Ann Clark
James J. Cox
Matt Lorenzo
Torrey Richardson
Sal Valletta

In a world filled with dating apps for all types and persuasions, Break Up LLC is here for you when your relationship has reached the breaking point.

MOONLESS NIGHT by Bruce Bonafede • Director – Tom Lazarus
Marie Broderick
Doug Haverty

Two damaged people come as close to love as they ever will.

PHUBBING by Craig Holland • Director – Kathleen Delaney
Bita Arefnia
Van Boudreaux
Mark Stancato
Gina Yates

We are all guilty of paying more attention to our phones sometimes than the people right next to us in real life. This play explores our increasing reliance on mobile technology and how important it is to live in the moment.

SHOE STORY by Clara Rodriguez • Director- Tom Dugan
Fox Carney
Clara Rodriguez

Sometimes wires get crossed, signals get missed, and life gets screwed up. But, also, sometimes you get a chance to make things right. At a shoe store a middle-aged woman, Bethanie, confronts the middle-aged clerk, Bert, about a past encounter they had.

SUSPENSION by Kris Rasmussen • Director – Helen O’Brien
Karole Bennett
Marc Antonio Pritchett
Harley Walker

A man and a woman encounter each other on a suspension bridge and struggle to find a way to cross it.

THE NEXT IVAN SHARANSKY by Jim Geoghan • Director – JC Gafford
Barbara Brownell
Stan Mazin

Hollywood Boulevard aka The Hollywood Walk of Fame has dozens of stories to tell on every block and The Next Ivan Sharansky (based on a real event) is only one of them.

UNFATHOMABLE by Bara Swain • Director – Bert Emmett
Anastasia Burnett
Sascha Vanderslik

Why is Carla wearing a bucket on her head? Will her phobia risk … Everything? This two hander for women explores sisterhood, dendropbobia and unconditional love.

UNICORN PARK by Adam Kraar • Director – Barbara Brownell
Larry Eisenberg
Susan Priver

Late life romance overcomes the mismatch of two older adults.

WINE AND SQUEEZE by Pamela Weiler Grayson • Director – Linda Alznauer
Karole Bennett
Helen O’Brien
Kathleen Delaney
Beccy Quinn

In a mammography waiting room unlike any other, three women bond over this shared female purgatory.

Download the Nine Winning One Acts Flyer

Nine Winning One Acts Flyer


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